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Bugsy Malone - Milton Keynes Theatre

It’s 1929, and we are in New York when gangsters rule the streets. Dandy Dan and his gang terrorise the district, but his rival, Fat Sam, is fighting back. Sam asks for Bugsy’s help. Bugsy is a smooth operator who likes the ladies. Bugsy Malone dances around the prohibition era substituting guns for whipped cream and custard pies.

I have to be honest. Gangster genre isn’t my bag. I have never seen Peaky Blinders and only seen the Godfather once. Full confession: this is the first time I have ever seen Bugsy. I feel I have been missing out. What a fun filled show this is. I am not normally one for custard pies in the face but if it isn’t aimed at me, its all go. The cast looked like they were having a whale of a time.

The choreography is stunning and I loved the dancing and song set pieces. There is a whole lotta talent on that stage! Boxing scene is a classic example – some fantastic chorography and let’s not forget the megamix at the end which is almost a dance off! See what I mean by talent?! The songs are classics and include: My Name Is Tallulah, So You Want To Be A Boxer and Fat Sam’s Grand Slam.

The younger members of the cast are rotated. Tonight, Tallulah was played by Fayth Ifil and she not only has an amazing voice, but a presence that commanded your attention when she was on stage. Bugsy is played by Shaun Sharma and he was fantastic in the role. He could be nick named Mr Smiley as he smiled so much, and was indeed very likeable. He absolutely stole the show but they it is his name on the billboard! His love interest is Blousey Brown (Bugsy thinks her name sounds like stale bread but I will let you make up your own minds) and is played tonight by Delilah Bennett-Cardy. She is wonderful with her innocent ways yet stands strong against Bugsy. Fat Sam, played by Isham Sankoh and was excellent. I especially loved when he says ‘scene change’ and no one comes so he has to clear the stage himself. It was funny and an original way to clear the stage for the next scene. I always enjoy when the fourth wall is broken and this happens again during a number when the gangsters realise, we are here and perform a number for us saying they could have been anything that they wanted to be.

This was indeed a fun night out with singing, dancing and custard pies. How often can you say that?

However, the lyrics of the last song stayed with me:

You give a little love and it all comes back to you.

You know you’re gonna be remembered for the things that you say and do Very profound for a slapstick comedy.

Bugsy Malone is showing at Milton Keynes Theatre until Saturday 15 October.


A Jasmine Storm Production 

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