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Viva La Voix

La Voix is a true star. A superstar. A diva. She has a big voice, a significant stage presence and a larger than life personality. She opens the show, singing Gloria Estefan’s Rhythm Is Gonna Get You. She even did a few salsa steps. In those heels that’s impressive. She introduces herself to the audience and said how pleased she was to see no children in the audience because this meant it wasn’t panto and she didn’t have to get excited about pots and pans. Those who have been to panto will understand the reference. La Voix chatted to the audience in her warm witty way but with an edge of sarcasm thrown in for good measure. She talked about Aylesbury being such a classy place and how it was front page news that a new Zizzi’s was opening up. She said she was on her tour and had already been to Hull. Hull is one letter away from Hell; lucky she wasn’t touring Kent!

How I laughed when she said to my fellow reviewer, Nancy Stevens, ‘Is that a travel pillow?’ when Nancy had a lovely pink fur collar around her neck. No one is safe from La Voix and she does ad lib brilliantly.. She talks about her fabulousness and her tour is called ‘Live, Loud & Fabulous. She is not wrong; she is fabulous! I love her interaction with the audience, especially the one about her thinking that Ariana Grande was a style of font. She also said that lesbians do not like being called lesbians. The audience listened intently for what was coming next. ‘No’, she went on. ‘They much prefer the term vegans’. Then she asked if any vegans were in tonight without batting an eyelash. The front row got it good. ‘Are you a lesbian? no? You should tell your hairdresser!’, she quipped.

Every outfit she has I want. The stunning purple number which showed off her waist. The white number with feathers which would not be out of place on a Fred Astaire film. She could be Ginger Rogers. She joked that her dress is like the EU, she will still be trying to get out of it by Christmas. Supported by her four-piece band, Matt, Steve, Pete and Simon, she performed a range of numbers including Judy Garland doing Adele in a 1950’s diva style. The second half opened with a song called ‘There’s No Place Like Aylesbury’. It mentioned the A41 and how much better Aylesbury was than Luton and Bletchley. The crowd adored this as there is always a local rivalry. Not only can La Voix sing beautifully, she can do it in several styles. Her Liza Minelli is a version of Mein Herr that 70- something Liza could do. It was funny and impressive at the same time. She explained how to do a good Tina Turner. Its all about pretending you have a coat hanger left in your outfit, you are having a stroke and are trying to walk with a ball between your legs. It was hard to imagine but we didn’t need to as she came on in a short Tina Turner outfit and a football between her legs. The crowd erupted in laughter that didn’t stop for ages but wow could she do Tina! She also did Cher with Turn Back Time, Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves and some Abba favourites including Dancing Queen. Whoever she does, she does them fabulously. She is just fabulous. Her encore was Total Eclipse Of The Heart and had everyone on their feet.

La Voix is everything you want to see for a great night’s entertainment. She is very talented and in my humble opinion deserves a prime-time Saturday night TV show. It almost feels we are depriving the population of such a star. She is fabulous darling! This is a show not to be missed.

A Jasmine Storm Production 

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